Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Hard Truth Behind Video Blog Post Viewing Fall-Off.

You know the power  video blog posts. It presents ideas in quick, easy to digest portions. It can help you rank big on Google. It can be produced quickly and cheaply.

But remember You Tube now has 24 hours of video uploaded every minute. So in some ways online video is becoming a bit of a commodity. 

 love Dave Kaminski and his Web Video University. His advice is simple and straight forward. And here's his breakdown of viewer fall-off...

Within 10 seconds you'll lose 20% of your audience

Within a minute another 30% stop watching.

By the end you may have 20% of your original audience still viewing.


Audience Interest level. Bottom line. If you are not presenting a compelling message, you are fighting an uphill battle.

So before the camera is rolling think about how to make your story attention-worthy.
Here are some real basic ideas...

1) Work in an emotional testimonial. People tend to buy from people not just talking heads. 

2) Present  a riveting relevant fact. Each day there are 247 car accidents in our state - maybe it's time to consider a free auto insurance coverage review. 

3) Introduce a  classic problem/solution storyline. 
This works well especially well when You can present it in a villain v. hero format.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Are you answering the growing demand of longer search terms?

Face it, the only thing constant about the Web is change. Here’s a trend worth noting. According to a recent presentation by Compendium Blogware, the average search phrase is now four words in length. And what does that mean? It means everyday searchers from around the globe are getting more and more sophisticated with their searching methods. And it does not stop there.

Listen to this, today search inquiries based on eight words are now the fastest growing phrase count!

Eight words?

The long tail of search terms used to be a concept only Amazon and Ebay could appreciate. Now it is gradually becoming a common practice.

Deeper searching requires a deeper online strategy.
So how can your website cope?
Weekly content updates?
A new Content Management System?

I'd suggest a  better way. A well organized and regular blog. This can help you deal with these issues by offering fresh, highly relevant content loaded up with high performing, short, medium and long tail keywords. It's a naturally organic way to answer these new demands of deeper searches.

Start a conversation today with Sean at Savvy Web Pro about your web development and online marketing needs. He'll have lots of answers. Promise.

Guest Blogger Paul Patzloff is a hybrid creative marketing professional offering blogging solutions for emerging businesses. Connect with him at

Free consultation available by contacting or calling 612-799-8419

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Discover the new, true online organic SEO.

3 compelling reasons to start your business blog today

1) Organic SEO provides superior results.
Intelligent Blogging Environments utilizes critical keywords and phases for search optimization, and places them into fresh relevant blog content so people searching those keywords are more likely to find your blog post in their search results. Organic search results rank better and are viewed as more credible for online marketing efforts.

2) This is a Pay Per Click alternative that is more receptive by nature in online marketing.
A timely blog entry with the right balance of high-value keywords woven into compelling content is more likely to get you the organic search result rankings you desire. And because it's organic, it offers much stronger click-though rates than pay per click campaigns. IBE shows you with monthly SEO reports and online metrics. What’s more, our approach to blogging creates a more favorable conduit for eventual online conversion, because your business blog is really a casual, comfortable conversation that provides meaningful insight to online searchers .

3) It’s a smart, solid foundation for your Social Media efforts.
The two critical components to successful social media are content and connectivity. IBE can help you create and celebrate great content. We can also use our system to distribute your messaging to key social media to engage people at all your points of contact, creating amazing online connectivity.